The Journal is published quarterly in February, May, August and November. eJournal members are notified when each new edition is available online. Other members are sent their printed copy by post on publication day. All members have access to the online journals archive.
Submitting an Article for Publication
The Journal Editor is always very happy to consider articles of any length for publication but reserves the right not to publish and if this is the case will indicate why.
- 1st January for the February Journal
- 1st April for the May Journal
- 1st July for the August Journal
- 1st October for the November Journal
Submit the text for your article in any format; typed, word-processed, handwritten or imaged.
Please provide images such as photos or scans as high-quality files (eg JPEGs) and supply a title and attribution if known. Note that our printers produce the contents of the Journal as an A5 monochrome document so coloured images will appear in greyscale only in printed copies.
As a rough guide, 2,500 words (without images) will take up 6 pages of the Journal. Longer articles are welcome but may need to be serialised. In this case the Editor will consult with you to suggest suitable breaks in the text.
Copyright in the text remains with the author but please ensure that you acknowledge copyright in other material such as scans and photos.
The Isle of Wight Family History Society takes no responsibility for articles submitted to the Journal, nor does it necessarily agree with opinions expressed. Authors are expected to have checked for factual accuracy and to have obtained the necessary permissions for lengthy quotations and the use of illustrations.
The Di Harding Awards
At the Annual General Meeting in May 2009 it was agreed that, in order to perpetuate Di's name, an award would be given annually to the authors of the three best articles submitted by members and published in this journal. For more details see Di Harding Awards