We get asked a lot of questions regarding membership and use of our sites. Whilst most is incorporated in the pages listed above, the more frequent (and recent) ones can be found here.
Where can I find my Membership Number?
This will be displayed on some emails sent to you or printed on the envelope containing your paper journals. Your membership number can also be found when logged into My Account. Click on My membership and your current membership information will be displayed, together with your membership number.
I want to change my Membership type to Standard (ejournals) from Classic (paper Journals)
Please let us know as soon as possible if you would like to change from a Classic Membership (paper journals) to the cheaper Standard Membership (no paper journals). This will enable us to make the necessary changes to your Membership Account to make it ready for you to renew.
You may also need to amend any Standing Order or recurring payment to us.
I want to change some of my personal information (i.e. Postal or Email Address)
See Part 3 of our Self-Service User Guide for guidance on changing any of your details. You may miss out on your copy of the journal if these changes are made within 14 days of a journal publication date, in which case please let the membership Secretary know.
I am not receiving the email link or your automated emails
Some members have reported that our automated emails are not being received. When you first register to our site or subscribe to a membership certain important messages are generated which can be missed if your mail service identifies them as spam. Please check in your spam/junk mail box. You may need to go into your mail settings and whitelist our email addresses noreply@isle-of-wight-fhs.co.uk and mailer@managedcloudhostingemail.com as safe senders.
There are other occasions where members are receiving their mail using an app on a mobile device. For example, with a Google Mail app under account under Settings for a Gmail account you need to activate Smart Features and Personalisation to receive our email messages. Without this they can only be found by logging into Gmail through a web browser.
There was a ‘Renew’ button on my membership page. I want to renew but it has disappeared
When you start the process of paying for your subscription the button disappears from your view to prevent you paying twice. If you have started the process and for any reason left that web page before completing the transaction you will not be able to start again. This often occurs if members receive a PayPal security challenge when attempting to pay.
Please email the Membership Secretary so that the Renew button can be reset.
I want to join but it is late in the year. Do you give a discount on your subscriptions?
The subscription rates are fixed and we are sure you will agree that they are very reasonable for what we have to offer. As a concession, members subscribing after 1st November will be credited for the following year but have full access to our web site from the date of joining but, where subscribing to paper journals, you will only receive four journals during your subscription period.
When will I receive my Journals?
The Society’s journals are published in February, May, August and November. UK paper copies should reach members on or around the 1st of each month, and international ones a week or two later. For Ejournal members, notification is sent out on or around 1st of each publication month.
Members joining between 1st November and 31st January will receive their first paper journal in February. Members joining after 1st February will be sent back issues for the current year, within 28 days of joining.
New Ejournal members will not receive a journal notification outside of the distribution process detailed above.
All back editions are available to download and read here
I think I have overpaid or paid twice
All unexplained or unexpected payment receipts will be recorded on your account as a donation. Where an error has been identified, and where appropriate, we will either return the payment to you, credit you for next year, or continue to accept as a donation, according to your instructions. Whilst cheques can be returned and refunds made via PayPal, payments through the bank require authorisation and may take a few days to reach you, as we do not hold member’s personal bank details on our records.