About this website
This web site has been produced by the IOW Family History Society to provide members and visitors with a range of data collections which may help in their family history research.
It is for the use of members, worldwide, who wish to research their Island heritage. Some of the data collections, principally Births, Deaths and Marriages, are available to non-members
The information has been collected from newspaper archives, the County Record Office archive, and other publicly available archives with the aim to simplify access to those records pertaining to IOW residents of the past. In additions members, past and present have collected a diverse collection of materials from churches, churchyards, photo collections and members' research into island history and particularly family history.
Many of the records available have been transcribed from other sources and therefore we cannot guarantee they are 100% correct. Where possible entries should be checked against other sources, or the original records.
This web site was created in November 2020. Previously we had another web site which began in the early 2000s. Work to transfer all the databases and records took 2 years to complete, but since May 2023 the legacy web site has been closed.
Some of the databases and records available have been transcribed from public records and are therefore available to all visitors to the site. Other records have been collated and donated by members for our members. These records are only available to members who must login in order to view these records.
If you wish to view records reserved for members then please see the Become a Member option under the Members menu.
The Home Page
The home page provides, in addition to a menu, direct access to some sections of the web site.
At the top, immediately under the menu bar, is a direct search facility for our births, death and marriages databases, just enter a surname.
The 3 icons at the top provide instant access to news, upcoming events and access to the database search facility.
Under this is an introduction and, for newcomers, a Get Started section.
Under this is access to the News section, upcoming meetings and databases.
At the bottom we have a section devoted to how to become a member and a section devoted to quick access to various parts of the site.
The Main Menu
Clicking an item on the menu either opens a drop-down list of pages or, if no down arrow is displayed, opens a page directly.
Click a menu item above to go to that section on this page.
Web Site Map Provides a visual overview of the site structure Contacts Gives details of how to contact members of the committee and others with areas of responsibility. About the Society Provides information about the Society and what it does. Constitution Displays details of the Society’s constitution and governance. Committee Displays more details of the committee members, who they are, their background and interests. Volunteers Describes what volunteers are and how you can become an active volunteer. Data Protection Provides access to our documents describing our legal obligations regarding protection of personal data, use of cookies and media consent.
This item opens the News page. Items are listed by date of posting in descending order (latest news first).
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This item opens the Event page. Items are listed by date of posting in descending order. If events require you to book a ticket there is a link to the ticket booking page, payment may or may not be required.
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Many of our larger collections of records are kept in a searchable database and such record collections are listed here. Overview Provides an overview of the menu item available here. Births, Deaths & Marriages These index records have been transcribed from those held by the Registrar for the Isle of Wight. They include links to the Isle of Wight Council website (Registrar Office) order forms for certificates. Parish Register transcripts Searchable transcripts of some of the Islanfs parish records. Monumental Inscriptions Index A index to records of monumental inscriptions in churches and churchyards on the Island. Integrated with IWRO Burial Card records transcribed from those held in the County Record Office. War Service Reports (including VAD) A searchable database of Island war memorials plus access to other war service records including VAD War Service Reports compiled by volunteers in the Society of the British Red Cross Voluntary Aid Detachment stationed on the Island during WW1. Pedigree Index Society members have donated family trees as a resource for others researching their trees. The page lists surnames of principles and if you are interested in a particular name then you should contact the pedigree index holder. Newspaper Report Transcriptions (inquests) A searchable database of reports in local newspapers, mainly Inquest and death reports. IW House of Industry Apprentice Records. A searchable database of records held in the IW Record Office. Guardians of the Poor Minute Books. A searchanle database of the minutes of meetings held Strays Search A searchable database of people registering the Isle of Wight as their birth place but recorded living elsewhere. Index to Royal Notional Hospital (Ventnor) Patient Records A searchable index of the records compiled at the Hospital. Details of patients’ admission, treatment and discharge or death. Newspaper BMD announcements A searchable database of announcemnets in Island newspapers of births, deaths and marriages Wills A searchable database of wills submitted for probate by Island inhabitants. Military Tribunals WW1 a searchable database of tribunals held to decide exemtion from war service. School Logs Searchable abstracts form the logs of Chillerton and Hunnyhill/Parkhurst schools.
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Churches, Chapels and Cemeteries Index Provides search facilities of the IWFHS Churches, Chapels and Cemeteries database which includes those which exist, or have existed over the years, on the Isle of Wight. As well as giving the location of each, the index also provides an indication of its current status and location of and/or links to possible family history research resources. Churchyard Plans & MI Coverage Provides a list of churches with churchyard plans plus a searchable index of monumental inscriptions.
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Photos & Maps
Our Flickr Photo Albums A link to our Flickr photo Albums page. Contains searchable albums of photos of Island historical interests as well as for family tree research. Photo Identification Presents photos we have received with requests for identification of the person or persons in that photo. Only photos with confirmed interest are presented on this page. Isle of Wight Rifles Photos Displays a page of photographs, mainly of individuals and groups belonging to the Isle of Wight Rifles - the 1/8th Bn Hampshire Regiment - and some other units. Maps Presents links to maps and other map-based resources or the Isle of Wight.
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This menu item contains links to various pages which are for registered members only. If not already logged you will be asked to do so. Become a Member Links to a page where you can start the registration process. Members Area Links to a page listing society documents you can download Facebook Group Links to the society Facebook page. This is available to members and non-members. ODC 2021 Presentations Links to a page containg recordings of presentations at the 2021 conference. Presentations Links to a page of presentaions of talks given over the years. Membership Information Links to a page containing information about memberships and documents and forms assocoated with membership. Obituaries Links to a page of Obituaries of passed and current members. The Di Harding Award Links to a page describing wht it is and lists recipients of the award since its inception. Member's Interests Links to a page where you can search for members with an interest in a particulr name (surname). Help Wanted Links to a page listing people who have requested help in tracing people from the past.
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This menu item lists links to a variety of useful resources and materials. Most of this material is open to non-members, but there are items*. for which you must be a member Isle of Wight Record Office Links to a page giving details of what and where it is and how to contact the Office. IOWFHS Resource Centre Links to a page describing the facilties available and how to find it and contact details. IOWFHS Library Catalogue Link to a page where you can search for books etc in our library. IOWFHS Journals links to a page where you can sarch for and download archived quarterly journals. Exchanged Journals Link to a page listing family history societies with which we exchange journals. Journals up to 2 years old can be downloaded. Old Isle of Wight Books and Guides Link to a page containing a list of downloadable books (pdf). Academic sources Link to a page listing any interesting academic sources (Phd thesis for example). Charlie Taylor Bequest * Links to a page describing who he was and what he bequeathed. Contains a searchable selection of family trees. Electorial Rolls * Link to a page containg links to pdfs of electorial rolls for some years between 1920 and 1947. Miscellaneous Nominal Rolls Link to a page listing various documents such as Poll books in the society's possesion. Cemetery Indexes and Plans Link to information about cemeteries on the Island. Articles Link to a page of articles of general interest. Family Files Link to a page listing files donated to the society about Island families. County Record Office Family Files Link to a list of Family names for which the record office has material. Usefule websites Link to a page isting usefule web sites both local and national. Family History Federation Link to the federation web site.
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This menu item provides access to various help resources for using this web site and administartion of your membership. User Guide to the IOW FHS Website Opens this page. Self Service User Guide Opens a guide on how to manage your membership. Paying For Your Subscription Opens a page which describes the various ways you can pay your annual subscription. Frequently Asked Questions opens a page of answers to FAQs
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This is a link to the Become a Member page.
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This is a link to the member Login page, if logged in it becomes the My Account link.
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