There are regular meetings at Arreton Community Hall (from Jan 2022) on the island where speakers cover topics ranging from local history to the use of particular sources. The meeting fee is £1 for members and £2 for non-members.
We have a One-Day Conference in May each year which features well known Island and mainland speakers.
Full details of meetings and outings are published in the journal. For the latest news on these see Programme of Events
The aim of the society is to help members to undertake their own research. We try to offer every help to our members, particularly those who are just beginning. When volunteers are available we provide a limited research service, in return for expenses, for members who are unable to visit the island. If lengthy investigations are required we can recommend professional researchers who can be employed.
We publish a quarterly journal. The subscription year runs from 1st January but anyone joining during the year receives the four journals for that year (subject to availability; late-joining members may prefer to start with an eJournal membership). The journal contains a 'Help Wanted' section and members can place enquiries in this section free of charge. Articles and items for the journal (no need to be typed, just clearly written) are always welcomed by our editor. For full details of Submission Guidelines see Journals.
E-mail contact : Journal Editor
The annual subscription from 2022 is £16 for UK members (one or two members at one address receiving one printed Journal but both with voting rights) or £30 for Rest of World members. There is also an eJournal option where the member does not receive the printed Journal but can download it from the website whicih is £8. Remittances should be made in sterling or sufficient extra added to allow for the conversion charge. Overseas members are advised to use our secure payment system using PayPal (see Become a Member).
Anyone joining on 31st October (or later) will get membership to 31st December the following year and, for Standard UK or Rest of World members, payment will only cover the four paper journals published during that year (subject to availability; late-joining members may prefer to start with an eJournal membership).
Aside from the cost and delivery method, the main difference between the types of Journal is that the electronic versions contain colour images and paper ones only black and greyscale throughout. You can download a sample copy of our Journal here.
Whilst we have kept subscriptions at the same rate since 2013, due to increased costs, from 1st November 2021 the rates will be:
UK Membership £16 per annum
Rest of the World Membership £30 per annum (this will include what was Europe Membership)
Standard (eJournal) Membership £8 per annum
The Subscriptions year runs from 1st January until 31st December of each year. Price stated is for the subscription year or part thereof. Subscriptions are renewable on 1st January of each year. Subscriptions taken between 1st November and 31st December will benefit from up to two months’ extra web site access ending on 31st December the following year.
Still not sure which subscription to take? Click here for more information.
We hope you will decide to join us and look forward to meeting you.