Search the lists of churches, chapels and other places of worship on the Isle of Wight

This set of records attempts to list all the known places of worship on the Isle of Wight, both historic and contemporary, and also includes cemeteries and burial grounds.

For each venue, details are given of access, history and links to other information such as churchyard plans, and inscriptions within the churches, which are generally PDF files. The plot maps are of variable quality; the church memorials are PDF copies of the web pages originally used in our legacy website.

There is a Wikipedia listing of non-conformist places of worship at this site

Please select either a 'tight' location, or a 'wide' location. The 'tight' option will allow you to retrieve entries for a particular town or village. The character % (wild card) may be used. The 'wide' option will give results for a wider geographic area.

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