Search the IWFHS Journal Indexes
A 'blank' search will return a whole index - USE WITH CARE - it will produce a large file which may take a long time to download. For Surname searches, the result will give all surnames beginning with the search term (i.e. A search for 'BAR' will return 'Barlow', 'Barton' etc.)
For location and general searches, the result will give all those descriptions which include the search term (i.e. A search for 'Cowes' will return 'Cowes', 'East Cowes', 'West Cowes' and 'Cowes Road'.). Using a % within a name/phase will return spelling variations (i.e. A search for 'Dav%s' will return 'Davis', 'Davies', 'Davidson' etc. ).
Volumes 1 - 59 Indexes
(Winter 1985 - November 2000)
These indexes were prepared by Mr Michael Outlaw for the Isle of Wight Family History Society in 2000. The Society is
very grateful to him for all the work that he put into this.
Volumes 60 - 100 Indexes
(February 2001 - February 2011)
These indexes have been prepared by Peter Spencer, our current Journal Editor, and have been merged with the earlier
indexes to form a continuous series.
Volumes 101 - current Indexes
(May 2011 - current)
These indexes are prepared by Peter Spencer, our current Journal Editor, who will update them following publication
of each quarterly Journal.