Section Contents:
7.0 My Account > My Surname Interests
7.1 Add an Entry
7.2 Edit an Entry
7.3 Delete an Entry
7.4 Surname
7.5 County
7.6 Parish(es)
7.7 Century/Centuries
7.8 One Name Study?
7.9 Searching the Database
7.0 My Account > My Surname Interests
Here are displayed any Surname Interests that you have recorded with us.
To make use of our Members’ Interests Database you will need to have given consent for your contact details to be shared with other members. You check and change your consent at any time whist logged in, by visiting My Account.
You can make add, delete or change any of your entries from this page.
Please note that only UK places are recorded and that your entries will not be listed in any members’ search results unless you have given the appropriate consent (see Part 9: My Account > Communication Preferences),
7.1 Add an Entry
To create a surname entry go to the bottom of your surname list where there is a blank entry. Populate each field (following the guidance in sections 7.4-7.8 below) and click Update. The new surname will now appear in its alphabetical place your list.
7.2 Edit an Entry
To edit an entry change the current details where required and click on Update.
7.3 Delete an Entry
To delete an entry all data fields must be cleared. Clear the free text entry fields (Research Name and Research location) then reset the drop-down options (change County to Select County, Century/Centuries to Select Century and One Name Study? to Select ONS). When you then click on Update the entry will disappear from your list.
7.4 Surname
When adding a surname, you do not need to list variants of each name, as a wildcard search will display variations.
7.5 County
Be specific about the County, unless you have a rare surname and there is a risk that other members might pass over your entry.
Only interests within the United Kingdom are listed on our database, so the County options are restricted to that geographic area.
Counties are listed by Chapman Codes, although our drop-down list is not in strict alphabetical order. Please let us know if you are unable to find a particular county.
Hint – The easiest way to find your county is to keep hitting the first letter until yours comes up, for example, for Monmouthshire, keep pressing the M key continually and eventually it will display as ‘(MON) Monmouthshire’.
7.6 Parish(es)
Place names are optional and should be as specific as you can be for each entry.
7.7 Century/Centuries
As with the County, be specific. Simply stating “All centuries” is not helpful, unless you have a rare surname and there is a risk that other members might pass over your entry.
7.8 One Name Study?
If you have conducted a One-Name Study, in the last column, select the appropriate entry from the drop-down list for the surname(s) you have entered.
7.9 Searching the Database
Further information to help you get the most out of searching the Surnames Interests Database can be found from the Members’ Interests Database Page.
[Page last updated 01/10/2021]