Calbourne Nominal Rolls, 1803 and 1811
Nominal Roll of Volunteers eligible for militia service
Record Office reference CAL/APR/033/001
This list gives the names of virtually everyone in the historic Parish of Calbourne, and was compiled in 1803.
For each male, it shows whether he is able to give militia service, his role, and weapons held. It also gives his occupation, and the names and and ages of his wife (if married) and family members. No address details are given, but some of the occupations could infer that some were resident in Newtown (Salt Boilers).
An additional loose sheet gives a list of farmers or yeomen with "Corn in the Ground" showing the acreage of each crop. There are entries for "Lental corn" - a term I am not familiar with, but it may indicate crops already harvested and in storage.
This link will launch a searchable PDF of the transcription (compiled in Word originally)
Calbourne 1803 Nominal Roll (PDF)
These links will give copies of each page image
1803 Nominal Roll page 1
1803 Nominal Roll page 2
1803 Nominal Roll page 3
1803 Nominal Roll page 4
1803 Nominal Roll page 5
1803 Nominal Roll page 6
1803 Nominal Roll page 7
1803 Nominal Roll page 8
1803 Nominal Roll page 9
1803 Nominal Roll page 10
1803 Nominal Roll page 11
1803 Nominal Roll page 12
1803 Nominal Roll page 13
1803 Nominal Roll page 14
1803 Nominal Roll page 15
1803 Nominal Roll page 16
1803 Nominal Roll page 17
1803 Nominal Roll page 18
1803 Nominal Roll page 19
1803 Nominal Roll page 20
Transcript of 1811 Census return bound in the Overseers of the Poor records
Record Office reference CAL/APR/1A/1
This is, in effect, a copy of the enumerator's return for the 1811 Census. It names male householders, but does not give any details of family members, other than the number of males and females in each household, and a broad categorisation of employment (agriculture, manufacture, or other). No address details are given.
This link will launch a searchable PDF of the transcription (compiled in Excel originally)
For legibility, in the PDF, I have repeated the column of names against the entries on the right hand side of the 2-page entries.
Calbourne 1811 Census Transcript (PDF)
These links will give copies of each page image
1811 Census page 1
1811 Census page2
1811 Census page 3
1811 Census page 4
Map showing the extent of the historic Parishes pre-Victorian era
Thanks to the Heritage Services Manager of the Isle of Wight Council (Richard Smout), for permission to photograph the manuscripts.
Thanks to the late Paul Slade of WightHeirs, whose original transcriptions (made in 2015) were used as the basis for this new version of the transcriptions.