Attrill Family information

Attrill Index Page

These pages represent copies of material originally created by  Robin LEWIN and hosted on a now defunct website.

Attrill Origins

Attrill Births, Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths and Burials

The tables given are copied from the Internet Wayback pages from March 2017. 

Isle of Wight 1550s to 1837 :

All England and Wales 1795 - 1969 : 

  • Births            recommended that you use FreeBMD for this post-1837 as Robin's table only went up to 1915
  • Baptisms
  • Marriages     recommended that you also use FreeBMD or our own BMD Marriages search function for this post-1837
  • Deaths          recommended that you use FreeBMD  or our own BMD Deaths search function for this post-1837

London 1820 - 1921 :

Census Returns (England and Wales)

  • 1841
    • 1851 not located on Robin's website on the Wayback machine
    • 1861 not located on Robin's website on the Wayback machine
    • 1871 not located on Robin's website on the Wayback machine
    • 1881 not located on Robin's website on the Wayback machine
    • 1891 not located on Robin's website on the Wayback machine
    • 1901 not located on Robin's website on the Wayback machine
  • 1911

Attrills at War and in Military service

Pages which no longer link :

Unfortunately much of the material presented by Robin on his original website does not load using the Wayback machine.

This includes the 2 interactive family trees, much of the Census information, the War Diary of John Edward Attrill, the Distant Cousins pages and the Other pages. 

This is mainly because Robin used some proprietary software to build the family trees, and the images used throughout the site have become unlinked.

I am continuing to explore ways of replicating some of this material.

If you have any material which you wish to contribute, and especially family trees and photographs, please get in touch.