Self Service User Guide: Part 6: Making a Payment To Us

Section Contents:

6.0 Making Payments to us

6.1 Paying by PayPal

6.2 Paying by Credit or Debit Card

6.3 Paying by Standing Order

6.4 Paying by Internet Banking

6.5 Paying by Cheque

6.6 Paying by Cash

6.7 Recurring PayPal Agreements

6.8 Paying your subscription in advance

6.9 Changing your subscription type or payment method

6.10 Abandoned Payment Transactions

6.11 Donations

6.12 Paying Subscription by Making a Donation


6.1 Paying by PayPal 

When subscribing, select to pay by PayPal. You will be directed to the PayPal Log In page (see image in Credit or Debit Card, below). Enter your account details and select Log In.

Note: If you click on ‘Cancel and return to Isle of Wight Family History Society’ or leave the page for any other reason before completing the payment process you will not be able to start the process again until you have contacted the Membership Secretary to reset your subscription application. See 6.10 Abandoned Payment Transactions below.

Whilst our preferred method of payment for new memberships and renewals is by PayPal, you may also pay us by the below methods.


6.2 Paying by Credit or Debit Card – We have no function for paying direct by card, instead we use PayPal as our intermediary to handle all card payments. When subscribing, select to pay by PayPal. You will be directed to the PayPal Log In page:

DO NOT TRY TO LOG IN. Select Pay by Debit or Credit Card. You can then enter your card details and make your payment to us. If you Do Not want to use PayPal in this way the see
6.12 Paying Subscriptions by Card below

Note: If you click on ‘Cancel and return to Isle of Wight Family History Society’ or leave the page for any other reason before completing the payment process you will not be able to start the process again until you have contacted the Membership Secretary to reset your subscription application. See Abandoned Payment Transactions below.


6.3 Paying by Standing Order – If you use internet banking, you can easily set up a recurring payment. See Internet Banking below. To send written instructions to your bank, download and post a completed Standing Order form direct to your bank for payment. Please ensure that you have entered your membership number as a payment reference.

If you are a new member or not currently paying by this method, please let us know that you have sent instructions to your bank.

The Standing Order Form is set out for us to receive your first payment (for the current subscription) immediately, followed by future payments commencing on 2nd January the following year.

We have no control over Standing Orders, and it is your responsibility to ensure that we are paid correctly and on time.


6.4 Paying by Internet Banking –The Society's bank account number is 00283911 with sort code 30-97-42 (Lloyds Bank) - please quote your membership number and Surname as a reference when paying by Internet Banking. 

** We can only to accept bank payments in Sterling from UK bank accounts **

** At present we are unable to accept any other international bank payments ** 

You can also set up a recurring payment (Standing Order) by Internet Banking.  Please refer to the instructions above.


6.5 Paying by Cheque – Once you have completed the online registration process, cheques made payable to ‘IOWFHS’ should be posted to:

Mrs Gerry NEWBERRY, Mulberry House, Coastguard Lane, Brook, NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT, PO30 4HQ

Please ensure that you print your membership number (if known) and address clearly on the reverse of the cheque.

Your subscription will be activated upon receipt of your cheque ‘on trust’ and we reserve the right to cancel the subscription should your cheque subsequently not be honoured.

** We can only to accept cheques in Sterling drawn on UK bank accounts **

** At present we are unable to accept any other cheques or Banker’s Drafts ** 


6.6 Paying by Cash – Payment by cash can only be made in person at the Heritage Resource Centre, during our published opening times. Please note that opening times are currently restricted due to Covid-19 with callers only by appointment. Please note that payment at the HRC may result in a delay in the activation of your membership.


6.7 Recurring PayPal Agreements - Members are currently unable to set up or change recurring payments from their PayPal accounts. Existing instructions will continue until cancelled, with membership accounts being manually updated when payment is received.


6.8 Paying your subscription in advance

There is no automated process to pay several years in advance. To pay:

Make a payment totalling the correct number of subscriptions you are paying for (maximum of 3 years), either by bank transfer, cheque or direct to our PayPal account -
Email the Membership Secretary to advise that you have made the payment and what it is for. 
Your payment will be acknowledged by email or letter but will not show in My Account.
Your membership will require manual adjustment by us at the beginning of November, when we begin collecting subscriptions for the coming year. 

6.9 Changing your Subscription Type or Payment Method

At present it is not possible for members to change their subscription type or (once the payment process has been started) elected method of payment. 

Please contact the Membership Secretary, who will make the necessary changes for you. 

Subscriptions are best changed before they are due to start. Once your subscription has started you may be asked to pay for any increase in your subscription charges and no credits are not given for any reduced subscriptions.


6.10 Abandoned Payment Transactions

We are aware of an issue where an existing or joining member does not complete the purchase process, they are unable to recommence that process or make a change to the selected subscription type. Where this occurs the transaction and the subscription may be displayed as Pending. 

Please contact the Membership Secretary, who will make the necessary changes for you to continue with your purchase.


6.11 Donations

Members can make donations to The Society by either:

·         Adding a donation amount when they pay for their subscription,

·         Using the PayPal ‘Donate’ tab at the bottom of our home page, or 

·         Where they have made an overpayment, asking for it to be taken as a donation.

Donations are recorded against each member’s account but are not visible when viewing payment transactions within My Account. For donations of £10 or more, members will receive a confirmation email in acknowledgement. For amounts under £10 acknowledgement will be sent on request.


6.12 Paying Subscriptions by Card

Not everyone wants to give PayPal their details or, create an account.  There is an alternative method of paying with a card in this case.

At the top of the footer on every web page is this ‘button’

Click on it to open this payment dialogue

Enter the amount for your subscription. Do NOT click the repeat box.

Click the Donate with Debit or Credit Card button.

A dialogue appears in which you can fill in details of your card, and address, and your contact details – used for card verification and payment confirmation.

Add a note with this text:
Subscription for member No.xxxx

Click the Agree & Donate Now button.

Click the text box in the security Prompt.

You will get a confirmation from PayPal with details of your ‘donation’.
DO NOT FORGET to email the Membership Secretary stating your member id, type of membership and copy of the confirmation email.


[Page last updated 25/01/2024]