Self Service User Guide: Part 3: Personal Details

Section Contents:

3.0 My Account > Personal Details

3.1 Your name(s)

3.2 Your Email Address

3.3 Your Password

3.4 Your Postal Address

3.5 Your Telephone Number(s)


3.0 My Account > Personal Details

This section contains your personal information and entry fields for changing your password.

Postal communications and automatic emails will always be addressed to the First Named Member using the details given to us. Members are responsible for ensuring that their details are correct and up to date.

You can change any of these details by overtyping or deleting them and clicking on the Update Details button.  Some information in obligatory and this will be highlighted where appropriate.

You may miss out on your copy of the Journal if these changes are made within 14 days of a Journal publication date, in which case please let the Membership Secretary know. 


3.1 Your name(s)

Your membership account will be created in the name of the first named Member. The additional Member’s name is required for voting purposes and so that we know who they are if they communicate with us.

Names should be entered exactly as they are to be used, normally with one forename. For example, Mr Robert William Brown will get postal communications to that full name and emails will be addressed to Robert William.  If you prefer the informality and prefer to be called Bob, enter your details as Mr Bob Brown.

3.2 Your Email Address

Should you need to change your registered email address this can be done but you will first need to be logged in under your previous one. If you cannot remember your old email address you should contact the Membership Secretary for assistance.

We are not able to hold more than one email address for each membership.

3.3 Your Password

You can set a password of your choice (must be 8 characters or more) and it is suggested that you use a mix of letters, numbers and characters to make your password more secure.

3.4 Your Postal Address 

Please enter your Postal Town and Postcode (correctly spaced) in capitals, to assist us when addressing any postal communications.

3.5 Your Telephone number(s)

Where you are resident in the UK we ask for a phone number as a means of contact. This can only be viewed by selected Committee members and will never be shared with anyone else without your permission. We will never cold call you and would only use the telephone as a last resort – often this is to provide 1:1 help with our web site.


[Page last updated 09/06/2022]